
知らなかった……。以下、己を恥じつつ無言で。たぶん対象はauthor manuscriptだよね。

The new German legal [Law of October 1, 2013 (BGBl. I S. 3714) Gesetz zur Nutzung verwaister und vergriffener Werke und einer weiteren Änderung des Urheberrechtsgesetzes], modifies Section 38 of the German Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz o UrhG) and regulates the main obstacle to the green road of OA: copyright management. The rule is intended to allow the author of a scientific work that is generated in the context of a research activity, and that is funded for at least 50% by public funds, and that is published in a periodical collection (at least biannual), to make the accepted version of the manuscript publicly available for non-commercial purposes after a period of twelve months. The author’s right to republish in OA prevails even if the author has assigned all the exclusive rights on the copyrighted work to an editor or publisher. All different restrictive agreements are invalid. It is, in other words, a mandatory provision.

Open Access to Scientific Articles: Comparing Italian with German law (2013.12.3)

(4) Der Urheber eines wissenschaftlichen Beitrags, der im Rahmen einer mindestens zur Hälfte mit öffentlichen Mitteln geförderten Forschungstätigkeit entstanden und in einer periodisch mindestens zweimal jährlich erscheinenden Sammlung erschienen ist, hat auch dann, wenn er dem Verleger oder Herausgeber ein ausschließliches Nutzungsrecht eingeräumt hat, das Recht, den Beitrag nach Ablauf von zwölf Monaten seit der Erstveröffentlichung in der akzeptierten Manuskriptversion öffentlich zugänglich zu machen, soweit dies keinem gewerblichen Zweck dient. Die Quelle der Erstveröffentlichung ist anzugeben. Eine zum Nachteil des Urhebers abweichende Vereinbarung ist unwirksam.


(4) The author of a scientific contribution which is the result of of a research activity publicly funded by at least fifty percent and which has appeared in a collection which is published periodically at least twice per year has the right, even if he has granted the publisher or editor an exclusive right of use, to make the contribution available to the public in the accepted manuscript version upon expiry of 12 months after first publication , unless this serves a commercial purpose. The source of the first publication shall be indicated. Any deviating agreement to the detriment of the author shall be ineffective.






Legal frameworks that explicitly accommodate open science (i.e., that are open science-friendly) are an additional means of promoting open science. For example, in Germany the national copyright act was modified in 2013 to allow publicly funded scientists and researchers to retain the legal right to upload their publications on line, even if they have transferred their exploitation rights to the publishers, after an embargo period of up to 12 months.

Making Open Science a Reality (OECD, 2015.10)
