IR-CRIS Interoperabilityの類型
IR(Institutional Repository:機関リポジトリ)とCRIS(Current Research Information System)の連携というか関係の類型についてまとめる。IRとCRISは似たようなシステムと言えるけど細かい部分で違うところがあってでも最近その違いが分かりづらくなっている(元ネタの#1参照)。最近はこの連携のなかにAPCやRDMといったキーワードも入ってきている。個人的にはこの上でオープンアクセスモニタリングについて考えている。
以下、元ネタはCOAR ObservatoryのIR and CRIS特集(2014年10月)で、引用部分はすべてここから。
This is the so-called CRIS+IR use case for institutional system configuration, where both systems coexist and cooperate in a way that maximizes institutional benefit: the repository content will increase much quicker as researchers will find it much easier to deposit their final manuscripts at the metadata transfer stage from the CRIS to the IR, and CRISs will not need to perform a repository role they were not designed for and will just store among its diverse publication metadata the URL where the full-text file is stored in the repository.
6. Is then the CRIS+IR use case the best one for institutional system architecture?
There is no such thing as the best use case for institutional system architecture. The CRIS+IR configuration provides a highly effective mechanism for dealing with the research information management needs at a large, research-intensive university, but smaller universities may not need such a complex architecture if they manage to successfully enhance their repository data model to collect sufficient metadata on the different areas of research activity they are required to report on. The ideal institutional system configuration will depend on many factors, such as size of the institution, its reporting needs, IT resources available for system upgrade and maintenance or the balance of power between the different institutional units at a specific moment. It is important to keep in mind however that once an institution has come up with the system configuration model that they perceive as preferable, such model should ideally be stuck to in order to be able to deeply exploit its advantages – the work on the Enlighten repository platform at the University of Glasgow featured on the companion document [13] being a clear example of such beneficial approach.
2. IR as CRIS
元ネタには英国で増えているとある。例としては香港大学のHKU Scholars Hub(伊Cinecaと共同開発したDSpace-CRISモジュールを使用。euroCRISでも使われている)や、英国グラスゴー大学のEnlighten(このケーススタディも参考に)など。
4. So how can a repository “play a CRIS role”? Are there any examples for that already?
A repository may (to some extent) play a CRIS role by extending its underlying data model in order to collect additional research information besides the research outputs (in short: publications). There is nothing that prevents a Dublin Core-based metadata model to be extended in order to cover additional research areas such as research projects, and in fact this has been put into practice by the ePrints platform team in Southampton since as early as 2010 [6], which has led to a widespread and increasing number of enhanced-IR or IR-as-CRIS platforms in the UK.
Repositories will never try to ‘replace’ commercial CRISs since a wider research information management is not their main objective, but they will be able to deliver enough RIM functionality for institutions not wishing to run a sophisticated CRIS system to be able to rely on their IRs instead. Current repository metadata enhancement initiatives such as RIOXX [7] in the UK or the extended OpenAIRE Guidelines at European level are in fact very much supporting the enhanced-IR concept by providing the technical means for ensuring that IRs can collect information about research projects in an interoperable way.
There are several best practice examples for repositories playing a CRIS role. The most advanced one may well be the Research Hub at the Hong Kong University (HKU), where a DSpace-based IR has gradually been evolved into a DSpace-CRIS system with the active support from a developer team at Cineca in Italy [8]. Another good example of an IR system that has enhanced its data model to include an ever growing number of additional research information management features is the Enlighten repository at the University of Glasgow [9], whose approach to CRIS/IR interoperability is described in the best practice factsheet associated to this text.
OpenAIRE Guideline for CRIS managersはアグリゲータレベルでIRにCRISを取り込んじゃうはなしと言えるか。
3. CRIS as IR
例えば英国で強いSymplectic ElementsはOpen Access Monitorモジュールなんて機能も持っている。
ElsevierのPureはデンマークでやたら強い印象があるけど、IRとして使っているように見える。Pureといえば昨年11月にJISC-REPOSITORIESでAlicia Wiseの投稿に対してHarnadがわーわー言ってた。
事例 | 国 | IR | CRIS | パターン |
ポルト大学 | ポルトガル | Open Repository | SIGARRA-CRIS | IR+CRIS |
グラスゴー大学 | 英国 | Enlighten | Research System | IR as CRIS |
ポルト大学ではCRISに登録されたもののうちCC BYのものだけがIRで公開されるというのに驚いた。RCAPPとREPOSITANはCRISがIRを包含したアーキテクチャになっているように見える(自信なし)。