「Converting Scholarly Journals to Open Access」(ハーバード大学図書館報告書)
# 某研修の準備のためにななめ読みしたののメモ。
ハーバード大学図書館からOA flippingに関する報告書「Converting Scholarly Journals to Open Access: A Review of Approaches and Experiences」が公開された。春先からパプリックレビューが行われていたもので、正式公開を楽しみにしていた。編者はPeter Suber、著者はDavid J. Solomon、Mikael Laakso、Bo-Christer Björkというそうそうたるメンバーで、その他専門家からのコメントがあちこちに(グレーの文字で)挿入されている。
今回の報告書で「新しいOAジャーナルの立ち上げではなく、既存の購読ジャーナルのOAへのflippingにフォーカスしたのはなぜか? その理由は3つある」(p.3)。2つ目の理由が、この200ページ超という大部な報告書を読もうとしてみるひとつの動機になるだろうと思う。
Second, without question, new OA journals advance the primary goal of providing OA to more and more research. But they don’t save libraries money, an important secondary goal. They don’t save libraries money unless they justify the cancellation of existing subscription journals. But because different journals publish different articles, journals are not fungible, and free journals do not directly displace priced journals, or justify their cancellation, even when they exist in the same field and at the same level of quality. By contrast, every converted OA journal removes a subscription line from the budget of every subscribing library, without removing access to the journal’s research. This frees up money for other good purposes, including the growth and sustainability of OA itself. It helps solve the inescapable background problem that the money needed to support high-quality OA in every field is largely tied up in subscriptions to conventional, non-OA journals. The alternative is to find significant new money for OA, which is as unlikely as it is unnecessary.
- 7.1 Submission Fees in Addition to or Instead of APCs ⇒全論文から投稿料を
- 7.2 Gradual Conversion Scenarios
- 7.2.1 Via Hybrid OA ⇒Nature Communications
- 7.2.2 Bundling APCs with Subscription Licenses ⇒offset deal
- 7.2.3 Flipping Journals via Delayed OA
- 7.3 Changing Focus and Services During the Flip
- 7.3.1 Rebranding and modifying the scope of a Journal
- 7.3.2 Spinning-off a Well-defined Section of a Journal
- 7.4 Same or New Publisher After Conversion
- 7.4.1 Staying with the Same Publisher ⇒Cancer Science(日本癌学会)
- 7.4.2 Switching to a Different Publisher
- 7.4.3 Partnering with a Low-Cost External Publisher or Publishing Service Provider
- 7.4.4 Partnering with a Major Global Publisher ⇒Earth, Planets and Space(日本の5学会)