土屋先生のツイートにもある通り、CHORUSは出版社側が著者最終稿(Author Manuscript)の公開までやってしまおうというのがひとつの特徴になっている。
— Syun Tutiya (@tutiya) August 17, 2016
ただ、(出版社サイドの取組なので)もちろん公開するのは著者最終稿に限られているわけではなく、出版社版PDF(Version of Record)でもいい。というかそちらのほうが断然多いはず(根拠なし)。なので、上記JSTのプレスリリースは不正確。
CHORUSの出版社向けガイド(Publisher Implementation Guide, v2.1a)には以下のようにある。「Implementation Choice: AM or VOR」というセクションが面白かったので、長いけど引用する。
CHORUS Policy: Publisher member must make at least one version of their articles reporting on U.S. federally funded research publicly accessible through their website (either Version of Record [VOR] or Accepted Manuscript [AM]) with a stated embargo period if applicable.
The decision as to whether to make the VOR or the AM available after embargo is an important decision that impacts many of the CHORUS implementation components discussed in this document. It is primarily a business policy decision, but there may be technical issues depending on the publisher’s current processes and systems.
For most hosting platforms, using the VOR to meet the mandate is likely to be the easier implementation: articles would just change from subscription access to public access at the end of the applicable embargo period. The article would then be free to read in the same way that a Gold Open Access article would have been from date of publication. The implementation logistics depend on the mechanics of the access control system in the hosting platform.
Using the AM to meet the mandate may require system changes, depending on the current production process and hosting system. Implementation tasks could include adding the AM into the content on the hosting platform, adding a link to the AM from the article landing page, and any necessary changes to access control system so that the AM would be public access while the VOR is still subscription access. Some CHORUS participants using the AM as a PDF for public access are adding watermarks and/or cover pages to the AM PDF so as to document for the reader that the PDF is the AM not the VOR and to point the reader back to the VOR on their website via DOI links.
Using the AM as the public access version also raises a workflow issue: when to load the AM into the hosting system? If it is loaded at the time of publication, a publisher might want to hide it from public view until the end of the applicable embargo period (or, equivalently, the access start date). Or the publisher might choose to wait and load the AM once the embargo period for the article ends. The timing of the loading of the AM has implications for the URL registration and funder harvesting requirements which are discussed below in sections 5 and 6. Another optional consideration is whether a publisher wants to suppress the visibility of the AM from any authenticated subscribers who are entitled to the VOR so users access the best version available to them as well as whether to prevent Google from indexing accepted manuscripts.
例えば、自宅から(ゲストユーザーとして)以下の論文にアクセスしてみると、「View Open Manuscript」というリンクが確かにある。もうちょっと目立たせてくれても良さそう……。
例:Phys Rev B(追記)
ある方から他の例を教えていただきました(大感謝)。DOE(助成機関)側にもジャーナル側にもauthor manuscriptへのリンクがある。