
2013年最初の号が出たのを機に,おそらく日本の大学図書館ではどこも契約していないと見ている Journal of Web Librarianship を個人契約してみました.仕事でもやったことのないはじめてのEJ契約で,どきどき.

Personal / Online only で年間74ドルです.カートに入れて,Taylor & Francis のサイトのアカウント作って(住所入力),さくっとクレジットカード払い.ふだんのネットショッピングと変わらないかんじ.昨年紹介したときは同じプランで68ドルだったから,1年で6ドル(8.8%)値上がりしたことになりますね…….また,ちょびっとだけ期待していたんですが,バックナンバーにアクセスできるようにはならないらしい.3/21にアクティベーションを行えというメールが来て,実行したらバックナンバーにもアクセスできるようになった!


ひとまず,EBSCO Discovery ServiceとSummonの両方を導入している米国イリノイ州立大学図書館が両者の比較を行ったという論文を読みたいと思います.

A Tale of Two Discoveries: Comparing the Usability of Summon and EBSCO Discovery Service

Web-scale discovery systems are gaining momentum among academic libraries as libraries seek a means to provide their users with a one-stop searching experience. Illinois State University's Milner Library found itself in the unique position of having access to two distinct discovery products, EBSCO Discovery Service and Serials Solutions’ Summon. Two researchers at Milner conducted a usability study for the former product in 2010, and now two other researchers, including one involved with the EBSCO Discovery Service study, have conducted the same study on the latter product. The goals of the study were twofold: first, to identify user behavior while using discovery systems’ search features and to see whether using these features would improve the user's searching experience, and second, to compare user experiences with EBSCO Discovery Service and Summon at Illinois State University. The similarities and differences in user expectations, use, manipulation, and satisfaction with both discovery tools are explored in this article, with the ancillary hope that libraries investigating discovery tools might be able to make a more thoroughly informed choice in acquiring their own Web-scale discovery system.